
WTF! The Tribe's FINALLY Playin' .500 Ball

Jak-ie did a damn fine job tonight. A damn Fine Job. And Baby, I'm lovin' that Bennie solo shot. I screamed like a little girl getting her first doll-baby. I really did. Honestly, I'm, um fairly hammered right now, but it still scared the shit out of me when they had Fausto in for the 9th, but of course I laughed my ass off every time they showed Scotty warmin' up. My fears were laid to rest, however. The boys came out OK. They're up 2-1 for the series...But I'm glad I still got that case of Bud in the fridge for Thursday night.

That's all I got for tonight, but I am working on this little 'thing' ya'll should appreciate, for I'm guessing, later this week.

New Links, Again

OK Tribe fans, here are two new sites for you to enjoy.

Fire Jeff Datz!
Disappointment Zone

Both are done by the same very nice gentleman that sent me a truly bitchin' email earlier today. Please check 'em out.

Yeah, Baby

The Tribe won 4-3 against the ChiSux tonight. Yea! Thank you C.C., Fernando, Rafael, & Wickie for the pitching. Thank you Jhonny, Pronk, Victor, Michaels, & even Boonie for the hits.

Of course, they didn't come by it easy being down 3-0 by the mid-3rd, mostly to fuck-ups by The Tribe. Believe me when I say my animals had run for the hills after that botched throw to 1st by Victor. It was worse than when C.C. gave up that solo-shot. But holy shanikes Batman, have you ever seen a better bottom of the 3rd comeback than tonight? That's the way to play baseball. The Tribe got 4 runs in that inning to take and keep the lead, & the pitching didn't bomb out for the rest of the game. The only way the game could have been better is if that high inside pitch to that shmuck Thome would have actually pegged him. But it was nice to see him on his back, in the dirt, though.

It's bitchin' good that they won tonight, but there are still some things that bother me. Like, they kinda played some crappy ball tonight, and probably shouldn't have won at all. 8 left on base, 4 in scoring position, that not an error-error with Perez & C.C. at 1st in the early part of the game, and obviously that throw to Perez from Victor, yeah that one really got to me. Also, The Tribe's not even playing .500 ball, & are 9.5 back from Detroit.

Not performing at the plate when there are men on, is just bullshit. Make them pitch to you, and get a little hit. That's all you need to do. That's it, and that's all. When a guy is batting it's not about swinging for the fences, or anything else, but getting those boys on base home.

Throwing errors? Listen carefully here: Plant and throw. How hard is that?

It's no longer the start of the season, May is winding down, The Tribe is 25-26. They can't afford not to get back to basics and do things they were probably all taught since the beginning of time. If they can't get the fundamentals under control at the end of May, we are lookin' at one long-ass season as Tribe fans.

A little anecdote, here about sucking. I had this choir director all through Junior High & High School, and she was pretty competitive. We really did have all kinds of competitions, plus concerts, duh, of course. Anyhow, right before a show, almost every show, actually, when we'd been doing the same songs for weeks, or sometimes months, and everyone was sounding flat, & tired, she'd start to sort of going off, saying: mediocrity sucks. Do you guys want to be mediocre? Is that why you're here? To not perform to the best of your abilities? If you want to be mediocre, there's the door. Come back to rehearsal after you stop sucking, and can contribute to this group. And it worked, every single time. She was cool as anything, but could really put the fear of God into you. Think we could get her to give The Tribe a pep-talk?


Holy Cleveland Sports Gods

Yet another dumbass got busted for, well being a dumbass. Way to fuckin' go Scotty!


That was horrible. I don't even want to talk about it.

So, I got nothin' but this:

Fuck You, Jim "The Puke from Peoria" Thome, Fuck You.

And to lighten the mood a little bit, a pic of me and the groom, enjoy.


Zero Tribe

Not exactly zero, but close for the weekend. I heard about 2 innings worth of the game yesterday, then just kept right on drinkin'.

While The Tribe was losing yet another damn series to Detroit, I was blissfully drinking my ass off. All weekend. A bunch of us took the groom out Friday, wedding was Saturday, and then to my folks' annual Memorial Day thing yesterday. Kinda glad I missed the Detroit series, watching would have killed my perfectly drunkin' state of mind.

The Tribe takes on the ChiSux in Cleve for a four game series, and are currently, in the bottom of the 3rd, are having their asses handed to them by the sickening ChiSux. Boonie just left the game with a head injury...I could be mean here, but what's the point?

If you want to check out pics from the wedding, go to my myspace page. No rack pics, sorry, but plenty of legs.


Split the Twinkie

Missed the game yesterday due to having to drive all over the damn place, including the Akron ghetto, for work. 11-0? I'm into that, baby. I totally just about fell out of my chair when I pulled that score up. Nice way to split the series. But The Tribe's still back an ass-ton of games. 9.5 to be exact. I'm really not sure if I should be happy, stunned, or stroking out that Detroit's in 1st, and the ChiSux are 1.5 back.

And yes, I so showed skin last night. Last-chance-flash-as-a-single-guy, for my buddy that's getting hitched this weekend. That should be a wedding to remember. God, I even bought a dress for it. Plus big bruhaha thing at my folks' place Sunday. So, probably not so much in the way of postings this weekend.

And for the lovely gentleman that stopped by, and says I use the word 'fuck' too much, and it makes me sound like a hick: I, Thatchick, grew up in BFE, my HS was surrounded by cornfields, have actually ridden on a John Deere to get to school, can shoot anything with a trigger, skin & gut anything with fur, have two very much older than me half-brothers that have taught me much, was actually the son my old man never had, can enjoy any competitive thing you put before me, and I'm fairly certain I can drink just about anyone under the table, oh, and yeah I listen to Country. But I still vote Democrat, baby. If that makes me a hick, well, Hell, then so be it. And besides. I like saying Fuck. Is there any other word that can have so many different innotations? I don't think so. You can say it in happiness, frustration, shock, surprise, aggravation, anger, joy, excitement, sadness, and in depression. So, uh, Fuckin' A Baby. Peace out, everyone have a safe, but drunkin' Memorial Day Weekend.


Choke on a Twinkie

How aggravating was that game last night? Extra innings, and The Tribe still fucking lost, after a kinda decent come-back. I totally thought they still had a chance despite Cliff's less than stellar pitching when Grady-Baby got his double, & Perez got that homer.

The thing that really gets me, is I don't even give a shit about the Twinkies. Well, maybe with the exception of that prick Tori Hunter, I hate that motherfucker, they're just another team that The Tribe should have won against. They're certainly not in the same league as the ChiSux, or the Damn Yankees, as far as asshole teams go. I do however, have little respect for pussy ball players that gotta play on 'turf, and in a fucking dome, though. That's just not real baseball.

And I may, most of the time, "be lovin' it." But please, STO, PLEASE don't show that damn Mcy-D's logo on the bottom of the screen during replays.

Sorry the postings have been few and far between the last few days. No, I didn't die. Just have been visiting the 9th layer of Hell. Are you familiar with it? The 9th layer is when you have absolutely no time for anything except what others need you to do. Work, 10+ hours a day, crap around the house, cleaning, laundry, cooking, dishes, taking care of the dog & kitties, who BTW are fucking both in heat, b-days, weddings, & cookouts, have all three this coming weekend.

I imagine we'll still be hitting the bar tonight, even though the guys are going out tomorrow after they pick up their tuxes. So I solemnly promise The Baseball Gods, if The Tribe kicks a little Twinkie ass to show some skin.


10 Minutes

That's about all I saw of The Tribe game. They won 4-1 against the Pirates. Can't imagne why. But the Cavs game was the game to watch last night. Even though they lost, that game was intense. One of my friends, the poor bastard, had Guard this weekend, and is in BFE w/like 100 dudes, and no TV or radio. I spent the last 5 min. of the 4th Q txt-ing him. My hand's tired.

Since I didn't actually see The Tribe win, and I did see the Cavs lose, um, no flashing. I'll do better tonight, as long as the rednecks aren't watching some race.

In my observations of last night's games, both of them, I've got some questions. Cavs fans, where did the little white towel thing come from? Isn't that a Pitspuke thing? Didn't they start that? Vendors at the Jake, why the fuck do you wear yellow slickers when it's raining? I understand you'd like to be "seen." But, uh, it sorta looked like a bunch of Steelers fans selling beer and dogs in the stands last night.



Seriously. Little TV behind the bar had The Tribe on. Big TV behind me had the Cavs on. Last night was nuts. Westbrook pitched all 9. Pronk got a gradn-fucking-slam. The Cavs beat Detroit, again. As the one guy I know said last night as I was coming out of the john, "Dude, Cavs won, Tribe won, you gotta be freakin' out, babe." To say the least. After the wins, the whole bar (like 6 or 8 people) did a shot, which was cool. Then they got a flash from me, which was cooler, at least they seemed to think so. Doing my part to help Cleveland get some damn wins, baby.

Didn't catch the game today. But I see Cliff did OK, got the win, and Wickie got another save. Sweet. Oh, and look. Boonie made another fucking throwing error. Can't that Perez guy play 3rd? If he can, why isn't he? If he can't, find someone that can. Perferably someone that can also hit the ball.


It's Finally Over!

The losing steak has ended. What a crazy game that was last night. After losing 3-0 by after the 1st inning, I was set to keep my clothes on all night, be in a pissy mood today, and start looking for a new team. But the boys suprised me. A lot. Byrdie went 6, gave up four, including that solo shot by Stairs. Bentancourt (yeah, baby, he's back!) went 1, as did Mota, both scoreless. Davis went in for the ninth, and amazingly, held KC at 4 runs. I know I give shit to Michaels, cuz I really don't like him, but that dude, has a fucking arm. Holy crap, that was a great throw to the plate.

Casey got a solo shot in the third, Michaels got a double. And my baby Pronk, yeah, baby, a 2 run poke outta the park to win the game in the ninth. That was some exciting ballplaying last night. Since I was home last night, generally don't go out Tuesdays, no one saw, but yeah, I did a little happy-half-naked-jig around the house in thanks to The Baseball Gods for getting The Tribe a win. I keep my word. 'Specially where The Gods are concerned.


Not a Tribe Thing, but Still Awesome

*KISSES* to Kevin Millwood and the Rangers for sticking it to the Damn Yankees to the tune of 4-2 last night. We miss you in Cleveland, babe!


Rained Out

No Tribe tonight. That's ok. I got to keep my clothes on.

The Cavs played one weirded-out, fucked-up, intense game, and WON, baby. Yeah! Fuck You, Detroit!

Just thought I'd share this with ya'll, it's a good laugh, really. Honestly, almost fell off the bar stool tonight, LMFAO, and not because of the wicked combo of vics (foot thing, not broke, but possibly tendon/ligament bullshit) & draft beer. One of my buddies says he heard this on WMMS either today, or over the weekend sometime. 'MMS is one of my stations, but I don't listen to it often enough. Usually, 97.5, 98.5 and 94.9, if I want news, sports, whatever, it's WTAM. But I really don't know if he was fuckin' with me, or what.

So my buddy says to me that The Tribe is thinking of signing Barry Bonds. I said, typical me, WTF! You heard wrong. He's all, no, no. Really. I heard it on WMMS. I say you're full of shit. The only thing Cleveland's got going on in CA right now, is they traded Karsay for some cash. And he's all, yeah, right. They did it so they have money for when Barry's contract is up sometime around the All-Star break so they can try an' get him. As a DH no less, until he retires.

Tell me, please, am I the only one that sees something wrong with this pitcure? I know I don't know it all, and don't have the experience that most of you have. I know a lot of you guys that read this are super good at breaking things down, and doing an in-depth annalisys of just WTF is going on. But crap! This just seems wrong to me, especially cuz I haven't read, or heard about any messed up thing such as this.

My issues with the entire idea: First, Barry's a dick, and I can't see Cleveland even wanting to associate with him what with all the crap that's going on. And if they did, well then screw them. It's time to find a new damn team to cheer for. Second, we have a damn good DH in Pronk, and a few others that could concievably fill in, if Baseball Gods forbid, something happens. Third, it's not as though they got a freaking mint for Karsay. Certainly not enough to buy Barry Fuckin' Bonds. Finally, and I cringe as I say this, Jim "The Puke From Peria" Thome wasn't worth the buck, but Barry is?

I don't know whether to laugh or cry at that one. I just don't know.

I Have a Solution!!!!

Last night was a sleepless one for me, (Ithink I broke my foot a few weeks ago, and it was hurting like a mother) and have come up with some ideas on how The Tribe could get better. For any of you that have beend reading here, ya'll know I'm a huge fan of Major League. Taking some of the weird shit they did in the movie, might actually work for The Tribe.

1. Live Chickens. Rember when Pedro Cerrano wanted to sacrifice a live chicken for some extra power? Well, I know some people. What if we had a whole fucking flock of chickens delivered to the Jake, and then get some Voodoo chick to do the sacrificing for 'em? May wake up the bats.

2. Cerrano's Locker. Get every last one of the guys to deck out their lockers with the same crazy shit he had in his. Oh, yeah, I'm superstitious, baby.

3. Crap On The Ball. Eddie Harris, a starting pitcher in the movie used Crisco, Vardal, and snot to help give him a drop on his curve. Shall we send some Fed-Ex to all the pitchers?

4. Nakedness. When Lou Brown discovers Rachel Phelps' plan to relocate, he put that cut of her in the locker room with little stick-on pieces of cloth that they took off if they won. *Enter ThatChick* I am so not above flashing, getting naked, or even a little pole dancing if it would encourage these guys to get a fucking win. I'm tall, thin, long brown-ish hair, and I've been told I have a really nice rack, & a good ass, and believe me, if I thought for one second it'd help, and I could get away with it, I would so be in the dugout, the 'pen, or the locker room.

Put me in Coach! I'm ready!


Swept, Again.

This weekend STO's showing The Perfect game of Lenny Barker, but is that really a good enough reason for The Tribe of 2006 to revert back and play ball like the The Tribe in the '80's? I'd really like to take that broom and beat every damn player & coach with it. And while I hate to say this, I'm saying it anyhow. Fuck these guys. I'm pissed.


Jimmy Donovan should stick to announcing the Browns. He sucks ass at calling Tribe games. Really. He does. And I'm very much starting to not like him anymore.

Hey. Jimmy. If you're gonna call a game, be sure to keep a list of players in front of you. No one likes to hear you fuck-up who's at bat, or who's playing short, or who's on the fucking mound.


Unfortunately last night, C.C. did not get any run support, and so The Tribe is now on a 5 game losing streak.

My foot, their nutsacks....think they'll win then? It could work.

Congrats to the Cavs for eeking out a win last night. But everyone knows that God Hates Cleveland Sports and they'll probably end up tying it up 3-3, and lose the 7th.


New Stuff

Added some new links in my NEO Blog section. Check 'em out. And yes, the new pic is actually of me, and current.

That Game Sucked. I Hate Detroit.

We blew off the game cuz of the weather. Not by my choice. I swear my friends & husband are a bunch of pussies.

What's the deal with TWO major league guys getting caught in a rundown in the same fucking night? Honestly, I played fast-pitch softball for like 10 years, and never had that happen. Casey-Baby got two homers, not that it really helped. One guy got two fucking homers, and they still lost?!?!? Why the Hell was Lee still in for the 7th? What kind of sense does that make? He was OK for 6, but even I know, this time of year, when the weather is lousy, he can't go 7.

Anyhow, here's the recap. And that's about all I got for today. I'm still pissed off (and REALLY wanna hit one of those fuckers) they lost by one motherfucking run, and my blood pressure's gotta be like 200 over 200, and I don't feel like having a heart attack, or stroking out today. If they go on a 5 game losing streak, I swear to all The Baseball Gods that ever were I'm gonna become a Braves fan.


This Guy Couldn't Manage a Peanut Stand in Grand Central Station

Chris Sykes over at Swerbs Blurbs did a nice piece on Wedgie and the Tribe's lack of a decent manager today. He raises some really good points on some of the shitty management thus far of The Tribe. Check it out.


Holy Crap!

Joey Morona over at Tribe Tracker posted my pet peeve on his blog! Hahaha! Made my day! You rock Joey!

Tribe/Tigers Series

The plan is still on to head up to the Jake for Friday's game, even after that shitty series with KC. I don't believe in leaving a baseball game early, no matter how bad it is. In fact, it's been over 20-some years since I've left before the end of the ninth. Do the math, I was like 4, and it was a double header, and it was at Muni, and we were sitting behind a fucking pole. I'm totally willing to make an exception tomorrow night, and leave in the 6th if it gets ugly. There's just no fucking way I'm paying 5 bucks a beer (and it's not even good beer) per inning, to see Cleveland suck ass. And yes, I really do cuss like this at games, as long as there's no kiddies around. If there are, I seat hop, or go to one of the crappy marked off smoking sections. Smokers don't give a shit how you talk.

Cliff 3.64 ERA on the year, and 4.47 v. Detroit is pitching against Jeremy Bonderman 4.40 ERA, and 17.18 v. The Tribe. Not that ERA really means dick this season, as we've seen.

My prediction: either Wedgie is giving the guys Hell right now, and they're gonna get pissed off enough to finally win, and get back up to .500 ball. Or, and this is much more likely, the way things have been going, my baby Cliff is gonna be out of the game by the 3rd inning, Danny, Davis, Mota, Scott, Fernando, Wickie, Jeremy, and eventually Blake, yes I said Blake, as in Casey-Baby, will wind up as the relievers, with Blake getting the lose. Boonie & Michaels will continue to suck at the plate, and Pronk, Jhonny, or Victor will end up on the DL. Oh, and somebody will end up throwing at Ordonez, Rodriquez, or Dmitri, there will be a bench clearing brawl like none of us have ever seen, and all of The Tribe's pitchers will all get suspended for a week, and maybe that's just what the bastards need.

Sometimes, I wish I was a Braves fan.


Basics, Baby. Basics.

Honest to Christ. I've managed to scare the shit out of my kitties, and dog, & thought I was gonna have a heart attack this afternoon. My dog's now hiding under a table, and I have no clue where the Hell my kitties went.

If someone throws a fat pitch to ya right down the middle, swing the fuckin' bat. I don't give shit what the count may be. I've always hated that "take a pitch when it's 3-0" mentality. Always. Too many, actually, I think every single batter for The Tribe let at least 3 go by that were right freakin' there. Not that the hitting was lacking, cuz it wasn't. But shit. Make 'em pitch to you, get a little hit, and if you're gonna bunt, learn how to do it right.

Don't put your 8th inning reliever in during the mid-6th. WTF was that about? Mota needed some throwing time? Fine, but don't fuckin' leave him in there for more than an inning and a half, he can't hack it. And please, don't show Wickie throwing when The Tribe doesn't even have the fucking lead anymore. That just gets the fans' hopes up.

When you get the lead in the 1st damn inning, don't give it up. Just don't.

So bring out the fucking broom cuz KC just swept the shit outta The Tribe.

Can I Say, What. The. Hell. Again?

This is an excerpt from a recent article over on the Plain Dealer's site, by Paul Hoynes . You can read the entire thing Here if you so desire.

Move it:

Manager Eric Wedge moved Blake from ninth to seventh in the lineup for Tuesday's game. Considering Blake went into the game hitting .370 and Belliard, the regular No. 7 hitter was hitting .265, it made sense.
Wedge wouldn't say if Blake would stay there or continue to work his way up the lineup.
"I'm big on creating consistency in the lineup," said Wedge, "but we've been moving Casey around a little bit. He's handled moving around pretty well."

This has got to be the single most fucked up thing I've ever heard any pro-sports manager say. Consistency doesn't seem to be getting the job done, there pal. Yeah. Leave a currently suck-ass player like Michaels in the number 2 spot, and leave Casey-Baby, who's smokin' currently, down in the bottom of the line-up. Makes perfect fucking sense. It does. Really. That's why The Tribe is 7 games out of 1st. Cuz you want to be consistent with your wacked out line-up.

Couldn't Have Said It Better

Ya'll know I don't care for FoxSports, but this story on Cleveland hit the bat right upside the fucking head of Chief Wahoo. Link

I know there's a crapass load of problems, but even one or five things get fixed, this team would be doing so much better. Where do they start?

There's the baserunning, check out Vinny's post about that shit from Datz and Grady last night.

There's the relieveing issues that has Ryan pissed off.

Rick blames some of the starters.

And Mark faults Wedgie.

So how the fuck do they get it fixed? More importantly, why don't they just fucking get the job done already? I'm half tempted to sneak into the park, and kick some Indians' ass myself.

What. The. Hell.

Guess I should have stayed awake to see the end of the game. Fuckin' Royals came back and kicked Cleveland's ass 10-7. How did this happen? The Tribe was up 6-4 when I crashed, right about the time they put Graves in, and it's not exactly like Johnson sucked last night. Nor were the bats asleep. Victor got a hit or two, Pronk had that bitchin' triple, which should have been homer, damnit, and Micheals, Ronnie, and Casey all got hits, as well. How in the fuck could they lose this game? How? How? How? They're playing Kansas fucking City for Christ sakes, not the Damn Yankees. What is wrong with these guys?

It's almost too hornedous to post the link, but if you want to see something really depressing, check out the standings for the Central. Jesus.

And didn't the Cavs get their asses handed to them last night, too? Great night for sports in Cleveland.

Going to the Tigers game Friday. If Cleveland sucks, I swear I'm jumping over a railing in one of the smoking sections. Is it too early to have a drink?


Some stuff to check out, baby

Go here, to The DiaTribe, and check out the post from Sunday about Major League. Best read, ever. Laughed my ass off. CSP (here's your love, baby) has had some good Cavs & Browns shit going on for the last few days. Please, also, go see Eric's new blog, as he has signed up for that contest at Fox, The Next Great Sportwriter.


That Just Sucked

Really. Sucked. Balls.

The Tribe lost to fuckin' KC by 1 motherfucking run. 1 Fucking run. What the Hell is wrong with these guys. Shit. I need another beer.

All Right

Missed both Friday & Sunday's games, and all but about 2 innings of Saturday's. Alcohol, when combined w/friends we hadn't seen since last May...well use your imagination. Shit. We didn't even watch the damn Derby, we were so loaded. Anyhow looks like The Tribe took 2 outta 3 from Seattle. Yeah, baby. I don't even know who pitched this weekend. Lots of booze. Lots. It was sorta nice to be in a bar, and by bar, I mean some joint I probably shouldn't be in alone, that actually carries Maker's Mark. This is quite possibly the best whiskey I've ever had, ever.

The Tribe's back over in KC tonight. Hope that they don't get their asses handed to them again.


Takin' Some Time

All right all you Tribe people. I'm outta here for the weekend. Goin' down to Louisville to see some friends, old haunts, and the race, at a bar that allows you to bet, no less. I totally hope someone has the MLB package, cuz otherwise I'm stuck watching the Reds Friday and Saturday. Don't know if I'll be able to find time to write during this 3 day drunkin fest, so check out some of the following sites for Cleveland sports and shit.

God Hates Cleveland Sports
Let's Go Tribe
Eric Cassono
Mistake by The Lake
Tribe Report
Swerbs Blurbs
Teepee Talk
Blast Furnace
The Burning River
Vinny and the Hornless Rhino


The Way of the World

Been super busy with work this week, so sorry I haven't been updating much. But here we go!

So The Tribe kicked ass last night against Oakland. Won 14-3. Wonderful. Until today. Nope, didn't watch it. Was out taking pictures, ie working, and just checked the score about 2 minutes ago. They lost 12-4. What the fuck is going on with them? They'll have some bitchin' win, and then the other team comes back and stuffs it down their fuckin' throats. I don't even care to read the re-cap. Just seeing the score is enough to make me scream.

Oh shit. If I don't read a re-cap, I should certainly not check the standings, either. 5.5 games back. Fuckin' A. I'm going back to work. This shit is depressing.


*SIGH* of Relief

Yeah, baby. Tribe won, 7-1 in this afternoon's game. C.C. got his first win of the season. Victor actually threw out a runner trying to steal a base. 'Bout damn time, too. Pronk followed up yesterday's stellar performance, absolutely bitching-ly, with 4 RBIs, and 3 run homer. Sweet. And that asshole, Jim "Ow! There goes my back, I'm a DH for the remainder of my career" Thome sat his hick-ass on the bench all game. hehe. Good freaking game boys. It was nice to hear something other than what's becoming the "normal" bullshit, about the pitching, the 'pen, and all that crap. Kick some ass over in Oakland tomorrow afternoon, will ya please?

We're only back 4.5 half games! Yeah! Wait. 4.5 games? Is that right? Sonofabitch. The Tribe won, and we're still back 4.5 games? Trying not to cry in my Sam Adams Summer Ale. 4.5 games back blows. It's like totally a bummer, man.

Suggestions, Please

There was a time when this jersey was like, my most treasured posession. Seriously. My old man got it for me for my 16th birthday. It was a close tie between the jersey and the douche-bag's autograph that I got on the back of a concert ticket (he likes Country, too, it was a Tim McGraw concert.)

The jersey's been bunched up on a shelf in my closet since I moved back to Ohio, 5-ish years ago. I believe the time has come that something must be done with this...this...rag. I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but it won't be pretty.

I was thinking, since this Sunday, or next Sunday, one of these damn Sundays coming up anyways, we're having The First Cookout Of The Year, and we normally have a huge fire out back. We have friends that not only like fire, but, uh, like to blow shit up as well. That might be the perfect way to get this nasty thing out of my fucking house, once and for all. Always ready to contemplate any other good ideas for making this thing history.


Yeah. Ouch. Last night was quite possibly the most painful thing I've ever experienced. And I have two older brothers who still kick my ass on a regular basis, and have had surgery twice on my girly parts in the last 8 years. Nothing equals the pain of last night.

Anytime Pronk hits a fuckin' grand-slam, and The Tribe can't win... that hurts. I mean, really. WTF! And as much as I kinda sorta like Boonie he's totally on my shit list for the week.

I hate the ChiSux. I really do. Fuckers.


Man, Bad Series. Bad.

That series just sucked balls. I don't hate the Rangers, but I'm seriously pissed off at both them and The Tribe. Just can't tank a fucking series that way. I didn't even watch the game last night. I knew it was gonna be bad. I stuck with The Sopranos, and Big Love, and then crashed. I'm so irritated, that I don't want to even read the re-cap. I know The Tribe was winning when The Sopranos ended, and before Big Love began last night, and when I tuned into WKYC early this AM, I'm glad I wasn't watching the game, believe me. My husband thought I was freaking out, and needed more coffee, or get committed, from the string a really bad words that issued forth from my mouth when WKYC did their re-cap. And Saturday's game? Don't get me started. I know I drove someone, not outta the bar, but at least down to the other end of the bar with my cussing. and that's OK, cuz the dude was kinda smelly.

Oh, and now The Tribe's now back 4 and a half fucking games from the ChiSux. Praying to The Baseball Gods that The Tribe can win these next two.